Compensation & Benefits

Surrogacy isn’t just a gift for someone else’s family—it’s a gift for yours, too.

Many prospective surrogates’ first question is, “How much do surrogates make?”We are here to help you understand how much surrogates get paid and all the comprehensive benefits that are provided by the intended parents and agency. At Northwest Surrogacy Center, we ensure that our surrogates receive industry-leading compensation and support for their dedication and hard work.
Our surrogate compensation and benefits package includes various elements such as base pay, bonuses, travel and medical expenses, lost wages and childcare based on your actual expenses, and additional payments as needed to support you throughout the journey.
The details below show how much a surrogate makes during this process. The surrogacy payment structure is designed to provide both a competitive base pay to reward surrogates for their invaluable contribution and additional payments if needed for unexpected contingencies. We strive to give you a transparent breakdown to ensure you have all the information you need about surrogate pay and how much surrogates can make during a typical journey for first-time candidates.
(average surrogate compensation & benefits package)
$45,000 | base compensation, $50,000 in California |
$10,000 | returning surrogate additional base |
$4,500 | monthly expense payment ($300/month) |
$1,000 | embryo transfer bonus |
$1,000 | maternity clothes |
$1,000 | wellness benefit (massage, acupuncture, yoga, etc.) |
$640 | housekeeping |
$3,000 | pumping breast milk $300/week + supplies |
$3,000 | travel to fertility clinic |
$7,000 | lost wages for you & your partner |
$1,000 | child care during IVF & delivery |
$1,000 | counseling |
$250 | life insurance policy for $350,000 |
$3,000 | health insurance |
$1,800 | doula of your choice |
Based on 2023 averages; payments will vary based on your actual expenses.
$5,000 | carrying multiples |
$2,000 | C-section |
$750 | invasive procedure fee |
$2,000 | termination after 13th week |
$2,500 | loss of fallopian tube/ovaries |
$5,000 | loss of uterus |
covered | lost wages & childcare during doctor-ordered bed rest |
How much do surrogates get paid varies based on individual circumstances, but the comprehensive surrogate compensation and benefits package ensures that all needs are met. If you’re wondering how much surrogates make, our detailed breakdown provides clarity. The surrogacy payment includes a base compensation plus various bonuses and benefits, making the total surrogate pay a substantial and rewarding figure.
Ready to See if You Qualify?
If you are a healthy, nonsmoking woman between the ages of 21 and 41 years old and have had previous healthy, full-term pregnancies, we would love to hear from you!