What is a Surrogate Pregnancy?
Carla Johnson
To define it simply: a surrogacy is the process by which a person with a uterus carries and delivers a baby for another a couple or individual.
There are two different types of surrogacies: traditional and gestational. A traditional surrogacy is when the surrogate’s own egg is artificially inseminated using sperm from the intended father or sperm donor. This means that the person carrying the pregnancy is biologically related. Gestational surrogacy means that the baby is not related to the person carrying the pregnancy. Pregnancy is achieved via IVF (in vitro fertilization), a process by which eggs gathered from either the mother or an egg donor are fertilized with sperm from either the father or a sperm donor in a lab setting. This creates an embryo that is then placed in to the uterus of the surrogate. NWSC works exclusively with gestational surrogates.
There are many reasons why a person may choose to have their baby via a surrogate. Medical conditions that cause difficulty conceiving (ex: endometriosis, structural problems in the uterus, low hormone production), recurrent pregnancy loss, and LGBTQ+ persons without a uterus seeking to have someone carry a baby for them are just a few examples. NWSC only works with intended parents who have a medical reason for being unable to carry their own pregnancy.
Curious about what to expect during the surrogacy process? Wondering if you qualify? Have more questions about surrogacy in general?
Send us an email to info@nwsurrogacycenter.com and we’d be happy to help!
Ready to see if you qualify?
If you are a healthy, nonsmoking woman between the ages of 21 and 41 years old and have had previous healthy, full-term pregnancies, we would love to hear from you!
Ready to take the first step to parenthood?
Schedule a free consultation with our team to answer your questions and discuss the surrogacy process, including matching times and costs.